Galaxy Clusters as Tracers of Cosmic Evolution: the Role of Simulations
Na Astrodebati bo prof. Stefano Borgani (Univerza v Trstu in INAF - Tržaški astronomski observatorij) predaval o jatah galaksij. Vabljeni v ponedeljek, 13. aprila 2015, ob 13. uri v predavalnico F4 na Fakulteti za matematiko in fiziko, Jadranska 19, Ljubljana.
Prejšnja predavanja so na razpolago na spletni strani Astrodebate. Predavanje bo v angleščini.
I will first briefly review the application of galaxy clusters as tools to trace cosmic evolution and to constrain cosmological models. I will then discuss the recent advances in the this field, as driven by the increasing quality of observational data, and by the much improved description of clusters through detailed numerical simulations.
After discussing successes and criticalities of these simulations, I will present results from their analysis, aimed at calibrating clusters as precision tools for cosmology. In this context, I will discuss (a) possible biases that affect mass estimates based on X-ray and weak lensing data; (b) effects of baryons on the calibration of the halo mass function; (c) robustness of the baryons mass fraction for cosmological tests. I will finally discuss the perspectives for precision cosmology with galaxy clusters offered by the future generation of large multi-wavelegth surveys.