Univerza v Novi Gorici vabi v okviru 6. mednarodne šole iz fizike delcev, astrofizike in kozmologije, ki je namenjena doktorskim študentom, na javno poljudno predavanje.

Sprememba predavatelja in teme predavanja:

Zaradi bolezni dr. Gorana Senjanovića bo predaval dr. Marco Cirelli (LPTHE - Laboratory for High-Energy Theoretical Physics, Pariz, Francija). Naslov predavanja: The Mystery of Dark Matter (Skrivnost temne snovi).

Predavanje bo v torek, 24. maja 2016 ob 19. uri v veliki dvorani Lanthierijevega dvorca v Vipavi.

Po predavanju je predvideno druženje z udeleženci šole in v primeru jasnega vremena astronomska opazovanja.

Predavanje bo v angleškem jeziku.

Povzetek predavanja in opis predavatelja:

More than 50 years ago, it became obvious from the astrophysical observations that our Universe is made mostly of 'dark' particles whose properties are completely different from the usual matter that surrounds us.

Dr Marco Cirelli is one of the world leading researchers in the rapidly growing field of the quest to discover the very nature of this 'dark' particles, which are known to make up most of the mass in our Universe but whose nature still eludes us. Dr Cirellli obtained Ph.D. in Physics from the Scuola Normale Superiore, and further developed his
research career at the Yale University (New Haven, CT, USA), CERN (Geneve, Switzerland) and at CEA/Saclay, Paris. He currently holds a prestigious grant from the European Council dedicated to studies of possible explanations for dark matter nature and works at the LPTHE Labs and the Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6 (Sorbonne Universités), in Paris, France.

Nowadays, we are privileged to live in a time where many new experiments which are expected to shine light on this mystery started taking their data. In this lecture, Dr. Cirelli will review what we currently know about the dark matter and the status of the quest to resolve this long lasting puzzle.

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