Logo.ADV sredo, 15. junija, bo gostja astrodebate prof. Tijana Prodanović (Univerza v Novem Sadu, Srbija), ki bo predavala o interakcijah galaksij in kozmičnih delcih. Astrodebate se lahko udeležite ob 14. uri v predavalnici F5 na Fakulteti za matematiko in fiziko, Jadranska 19, Ljubljana. Predavanje bo v angleščini!

Vljudno vabljeni!


It has been shown that galactic interaction and mergers can give rise to large-scale tidal shocks that propagate through their gas. As a result, this can give rise to a new population of cosmic rays, additional to standard galactic cosmic rays present in star-forming galaxies. We investigate the impact of this tidal cosmic-ray population on the nucleosynthesis of lithium in interacting systems in the context of the cosmological lithium problem. Moreover we also demonstrate that the development of these interaction shock-waves and may also have far reaching consequences on our understanding of galactic evolution and star formation history, by affecting the far-infrared radio correlation observed in star-forming galaxies.

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