Vljudno vabljeni na predavanje prof. dr. Zorana Kneževića, nekdanjega direktorja Astronomskega observatorija v Beogradu, ki bo v petek, 16. 2. 2018 ob 10:00 na Fakulteti za naravoslovje Univerze v Novi Gorici (Vipavska 11c, Ajdovščina). V predavanju z naslovom Astronomska teorija klimatskih sprememb bo predstavil Milankovićevo astronomsko teorijo o nastanku ledenih dob, ki velja za pomemben dosežek geofizikalne znanosti 20. stoletja in je zato nenavadno, da njegovo ime in dosežki širši javnosti skorajda niso znani.
Predavanje bo v angleškem jeziku.
Prof. Dr. Zoran Knežević, Belgrade Observatory
Astronomical Theory of Climate Changes
We give an overview of Milutin Milankovitch's astronomical theory of climate changes. Three principal astronomical mechanisms, secular variations of the orbital eccentricity, secular variations of the obliquity of the rotation axis, and the precession of the rotation axis, are briefly discussed and their effects to climate changes explained. Special attention has been payed to the historical development of the ideas regarding the Earth climate changes and the ice ages, and of the associated theories of motion of the Earth, before and after Milankovitch. We also mention difficulties Milankovitch encountered in practical application of the theory and review some evidence used to support the theory.
Finally, we give a review of the most important contemporary results which enable further development of Milankovitch's ideas and achievements, revealing in the same time some intrinsic limitations of his approach, stemming from the very nature of motion of the Earth and our still unsatisfactory knowledge of a number of factors that affect its motion.
Vir slike: NASA