V petek, 5. avgusta 2011, bo od 17h do 18h, nas valovih radia Ognjišče avgustovska oddaja ZANIMIVOSTI NOČNEGA NEBA. V oddaji bomo poročali o opazovanju nočnega neba na Voglu 30. julija 2011 in nekaj zanimivosti o avgustovskem nebu in poročilo o četrtem simpoziju za temno nebo in taboru za temno nebo v Španiji konec junija 2011 v Montsec-u. Postavili bomo tudi vprašanje: Kdaj bomo imeli pri nas sodoben planetarij.



Španci imajo planetarij v "hribih" in ko sem jih povprašal, koliko imajo obiska itd...sem dobil naslednji odgovor: Around Parc Astronomic, the Centre d'Observacio is placed 800 m above se level and the research observatory is 1.600m above sea level. In the outreach center we have around 30000 visitors per year. Some are students (around 4000) and the other are families and groups during weekends and olidays. We are doing in summer two sessions at evening (22.00 and 24.00), so two per day. In the other months we usually work on friday evening and saturday with one or two sessions each day. In addition we have daily visits on saturdays and sundays during year and all the days during summer.The visit has two parts: planetarium and telescopes park. The second part is on the outer area with the two telescopes and a big screen to show images in real time mode to our visitors. You can have a loo to the type of visits on the website www.parcastronomic.cat In any case if you have more questions you can contact me and I will help you



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