Vabljeni v Maruša Bradač - Ponedeljkov kolokvijponedeljek, 25. novembra 2019, ob 16:15 na Ponedeljkov kolokvij o temni snovi in prvih galaksijah, ki ga bo imela prof. Maruša Bradač (UC Davis, ZDA). Predavanje (ki bo v angleškem jeziku) bo v predavalnici F1 na Fakulteti za matematiko in fiziko (Jadranska 19, Ljubljana). Vljudno vabljeni!

Dark Matter and First Galaxies Light Up

Prof. Maruša Bradač, UC Davis

I will present a comprehensive study of galaxy clusters, that serve both as dark matter supercolliders and as cosmic telescopes that magnify the first galaxies. Using Bullet Cluster we showed the evidence for existence of dark matter. In this talk I will describe updated limits that we placed on the intrinsic properties of dark matter particles using a larger sample clusters. I will also describe our recent endeavors with Hubble and Spitzer Space Telescopes that use galaxy clusters as cosmic telescopes and enabled us to detect galaxies at the time when the Universe was only a few precent of its current age. I will present the newest results that seem to suggest that the galaxies have started forming stars much earlier than previously thought.

Vir: Ponedeljkov kolokvij na FMF