V sredo, 27. maja 2020, bo imel dr. Jure Japelj (Anton Pannekoek Institute for Astronomy, University of Amsterdam) astrodebato z naslovom Challenges in astronomy in the light of satellite constellations. Predavanje bo potekalo preko Zooma in se začne ob 12. uri. Vljudno vabljeni!
Astrodebate organizira Astronomska skupina na Fakulteti za matematiko in fiziko Univerze v Ljubljani.
Slika: Starlink sateliti na mozaiku slik (NSF’s National Optical-Infrared Astronomy Research Laboratory/NSF/AURA/CTIO/DELVE)
Challenges in astronomy in the light of satellite constellations
Private companies will set up a network of new satellites in the low Earth orbit in the next few years. The sudden considerable increase in the number of satellites poses a multifaceted problem. Astronomers are especially alarmed about the negative impact the satellites could have on the astronomical research. I will present the latest developments and discuss whether these swarms of satellites will be a real problem or just a nuisance.
This astrodebata will take place on Zoom. Use the link below to join: