Ste že kdaj želeli resnično prispevati k astronomiji? Pridite in se naučite, kako lahko pomagate izmeriti velikosti in oblike asteroidov in transneptunskih objektov, odkriti njihove satelite in obroče ter odkriti in karakterizirati tesne dvojne zvezde s snemanjem okultacij z amatersko opremo kar z Zemlje.
Vabljeni k poslušanju predavanja v ciklu Awesome Amateur Astronomy, ki ga bo imel Ted Blank, član IOTA (International Occultation Timing Association). Predavanje bo v živo v nedeljo, 1. novembra ob 6.30 po našem času (11:00 Indian Standard Time). Nanj se lahko vpišete preko spletne povezave, bo pa kasneje tudi na razpolago na YouTube kanalu IUCAA SciPop.
(Povzetek predavanja v angleščini:)
In brief, the second lecture of the series is by Ted Blank, Senior Member of IOTA (International Occultation Timing Association). IOTA is an international scientific, research and educational organization born in 1983 in Texas, USA. The members conduct expeditions to distant points around the United States and other countries at night in order to record critical and unique eclipses of stars by minor planets, these are formally called “occultations”. These expeditions can require each participant to travel alone over distances of hundreds of miles at times for an event that might last only a fraction of a second to staff one of a number of sites positioned carefully across the path of this event. It gathers data from timings of astronomical occultations in order to develop and improve information on the size and shape of these bodies.
Vir: NOC India