V petek, 30. 9. 2011, ob 11h v predavalnici F5 na Fakulteti za matematiko in fiziko UL, Jadranska 19, Ljubljana, bo imel v okviru astrodebate predavanje dr. Petr Heinzel, direktor češkega Astronomskega instituta. Predavanje bo v angleškem jeziku in ima naslov Astronomija v Republiki Češki oz. Astronomy in the Czech Republic.
The Astronomical Institute in Ondřejov near Prague is one of the oldest scientific institutions in the Czech Republic and belongs to the Academy of Sciences. The informal talk will be about the research in astronomy covered by the Astronomical Institute. Currently the institute participates in ESO and ESA projects, as the Czech republic became a member state of these organisations in 2007 and 2008, respectively, and in the European Association of Solar Telescopes. Some brief information will also be given about the history of astronomy in the Czech Republic and about czech research institutes doing astronomy nowadays.