Logo.ADWAS THE "Christmas Star" A GAMMA-RAY BURST?

Drejc Kopač (FMF, Univerza v Ljubljani) bo vodil astrodebato o nenavadnem izbruhu sevanja gama, ki so ga zaznali lansko leto na božični dan. Debata bo v torek, 20. 12. 2011, ob 12h v predavalnici F3 na FMF, Jadranska 19, Ljubljana. Vabljeni! (Pozor: ura in predavalnica sta izjemoma spremenjeni!)

Prejšnja predavanja so na razpolago na spletni strani Astrodebate.
Tokrat bo predavanje v obliki debate in v angleškem jeziku. Vabljeni, da si članke iz povzetka pregledate.

Povzetek predavanja (v angleščini):

We will discuss an unusual gamma-ray burst GRB 101225A, which was detected on the Christmas Day 2010. After presenting the observations and the obtained data, we will focus on two different theoretical interpretations for this event, published in the December 2011 issue of the Nature journal (Thöne et al. 2011 and Campana et al. 2011). The "dual personality" of this gamma-ray burst is clearly a signature that many phenomena in high-energy astrophysics are not yet explained, but more (strange) events will help us advance in the field.