Logo.ADUltraluminous X-ray Sources: The most extreme X-ray binaries

Luca Zampieri (Astronomski observatorij v Padovi) bo predaval o rentgenskih izvorih z izjemnim izsevom (Ultraluminous X-ray Sources) v petek, 11. 5. 2012, ob 11h v predavalnici F7 na FMF, Jadranska 19, Ljubljana. (Pozor: sprememba dneva, ure in predavalnice!). Vabljeni! 

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Povzetek predavanja:

Despite the impressive advancements occurred in recent years, the existence of Ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs) represents still a theoretical challenge in modern Astrophysics. Likely the majority of them are the most extreme version of an X-ray binary, with a Black Hole in a mass range or in an accretion regime so far unexplored.

Here I will review our present understanding of ULXs, discuss some potential pathways to their formation and summarize possible future observational and theoretical prospects.