What Can OPTICON Do for You?
Dr. John K. Davies (UK Astronomy Technology Centre, Edinburgh) bo na Astrodebati predstavil program OPTICON, s katerim je možno pridobiti opazovalni čas na vrsti profesionalnih teleskopov. Predavanje bo v torek, 5. novembra 2013, ob 12. uri v predavalnici F3, Jadranska 19, FMF, Ljubljana. Vljudno vabljeni!
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Povzetek predavanja:
OPTICON (www.astro-opticon.org) is an integrating activity for optical astronomy which is funded by the EC to the tune of 8.5 million Euro over 4 years (2013-16). I will outline the exisiting OPTICON programme in technology research, community building and its contribution to planing for the next generation of large facilities (E-ELT and VLTI). I will also describe how new communities can gain access to state of the art 2-4m telescopes via the OPTICON Trans-National Access programme and the steps OPTICON is taking to make this process easier.