Logo.ADCosmic signatures of the early Universe

Dr. Umberto Maio (Tržaški astronomski observatorij) bo predaval o nastanku zvezd v zgodnjem vesolju v ponedeljek, 18. 2. 2013, ob 13. uri v predavalnici F4 na FMF, Jadranska 19, Ljubljana. Vabljeni!

Prejšnja predavanja so na razpolago na spletni strani Astrodebate.

Povzetek predavanja:

Cosmic signatures of the early Universe

Results from high-resolution N-body, hydro, chemistry simulations, including molecule creation, star formation, stellar evolution, metal spreading, and feedback effects will be presented.

Early structure formation and the transition from the primordial population III to the standard population II-I star formation regime will be discussed, with particular emphasis on the implications for high-redshift metal pollution, luminosity functions, (long) gamma-ray burst rate from different stellar populations, and the properties of the corresponding hosting galaxies.

The resulting scenarios in alternative (non-Gaussian) cosmologies will be addressed, as well.